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Mental Health and Stress Management for
Children and Teens


October 25th, 2018  9:30-11:00 am

地點:  西雅圖慈濟人文學院

Tillicum Middle School 16020 SE 16th St., Bellevue, WA 98008

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!

Date: Feb 27th, March 6th, 13th,20th and 27th, 2018

Location: Woodinville Montessori School

19102 North Creek Pkwy, Bothell, WA98072



親職講座: 兒童及青少年的情緒健康與壓力管理

Mental Health and Stress Management for Children and Teens

December 9th, 2017  9:30-11:00am



地點:  西雅圖華文學校

16245 the NE 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98008


Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!

Date: Oct 13th, 20th, 28th, Nov 3rd and 10th, 2016

Location: Sammamish Montessori School

 7655 178th Place Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 

Parenting with Love & Logic

May 5, 2016  10:00am-12:00pm

If you are parents that has been wandering what is Love & Logic,

or cannot commit to 5 courses of the class, this is the best chance

to get a taste for learning how to HAVE FUN in parenting! 


Address: Bothell United Methodist Church- 18515 92nd Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011


RSVP required through EMC

Love & Logic

Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!

Creating Happy Families and Responsible kids 

January 11, 18, 25, Feburary 1,8, 2016  7:00-8:30pm


When parents start Love and Logic early in their children's lives, they dramatically up the odds that the teenage years will be fun instead of frantic. They also create kids who’ll begin school ready to learn instead of ready to drive their teachers batty.


  • Show your tots that whining and arguing does not pay

  • Put an end to misbehavior in public

  • Smooth-out mornings and bedtimes

  • Calm sibling bickering and battling

  • Take the battle out of meal times, tooth brushing, bathing, etc.

  • Make potty training fun

  • Teach respect, responsibility and self-discipline

  • And much, much more!


Registration required

親職講座: 青少年不會告訴你的事

April 19th, 2014  2:00-4:00pm


您家有12-24歲的青少年? 講座幫助您了解家中青少年的優勢、極限與挑戰。提供父母實際技巧保持與青少年暢通的溝通,拒絕成為「上一代」和「不合理」的父母。



Keep your teenager out of trouble.



地點:  西雅圖華僑文教服務中心

1008 140Ave. NE Suit 108 Bellevue,

WA 98005






April 5th, 2014  2:00-4:00pm

大學生、研究生第一次進入職場,心態如何準備? 心態對了,說的話、做的事就對了。講座幫助你擬定屬於自己的生涯規劃,從菜鳥心態成為職場上有影響力的人。



地點: University of Washington Savery 260




April 20th, 2013  2:00-4:00pm


​經常感受到管教孩子的無力感嗎? 一起從了解每個孩子的獨特性、認知及行為能力的成長開始,重新找到「管教」可以是快樂管理,增進親子關係的教養過程。


地點: 西雅圖華僑文教服務中心

1008 140th Ave. NE Suite 108,

Bellevue, WA 98005



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